Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft
Whether demonstrating novel in-house engineered 3D printed tools for biomedical research applications, or a providing hands-on to a unique opto-biomechatronics system to characterise muscle structure-function relationships and to characterise mobility performance in single muscle cells, MBT was also showcasing at the Long Night of Sciences. Numerous curious visitors stopped by at the two booths and plunged into the world of 3D-printed device fabrication and delicate muscle micro preparation and handling of living contractile cells.
Children could test their manual fine motor skills by tying scaled-up surgical knots, while adults could challenge their skills with fine tweezers under a binocular to experience the world of the micrometer scale. Muscle samples were displayed alongside custom-printed microscopy stages for the most individual purposes. Those were often the start of stimulating discussions and demonstrations. All in all we certainly enjoyed the night and hope it was likewise pleasant to all our visitors, guests and colleagues.